The benefits of understanding your body and herbal medicines!

The benefits of understanding your body and herbal medicines!

Hello and welcome to my newsletter. 

Summertime is clearly over, I love to  talk seasons with these newsletters, seasonal foods, medicines and lifestyle choices.  My work comes from many cultures and I have been privileged to be born with an inquiring mind, so I am always open to learning new ways to be whole and healthy! Its my pleasure to share my work with you and I am grateful that you are reading this newsletter again. We have many people subscribing these days, and whether you came from our free clinics in the markets or a festival, an event where I presented, a clinical consultation or if I dragged you in here at some point because you are my friend I want to say a big Thank you for making time for my writings and also my workshops and events. We are here to help you so please call us and chat, email or come to the markets or festivals, these are all free services and our pleasure to offer you.

Dominique Liv Kamal having a great time

Its metal time now… yes that autumn and it means the season of boosting your immunity, getting strong for winter and cutting off the old dead branches on those trees ! In more ways than one. Its time to get rid of our bad habits, our over indulgences, our summertime diet is over. Now we are into the colour white and the bitter foods. Its seaweed time,  antioxidant time and white food time! We can use heavy metal chelators in our diet specifically so that we are able to clear the debris and toxins out of our cells and clean up our act!

Good old garlic… so healthy, delicious and full of wholesome medicine. for strengthening the body, for immunity, for parasites, cardiovascular protection and keeps your blood strong and clean! 

The White tiger is a symbol of this season in traditional Chinese medicine. So is the mirror  for self reflection and reflection of our environment and the sword for cutting away those dead branches. Yes, you guessed it. Fierceness in letting go of the non essential. Instead of spring cleaning, we are autumn cleaning. But in a different way. Its a great time if the year to fast on water and juices for a weekend! Its a wonderful time of the year to stoke up your body with garlic, onions, white foods, and foods that help boost your body making you stronger and having the attitude of fierce healthiness! Having the discipline in your mind to  clean up and clear out negative patterns, old outdated beliefs. Its the time of the year to forgive your misgivings, to let the past go and start afresh with a good attitude towards life.

The body organs associated with this season are the lungs and the large intestine. So lets go for exercises and practices that strengthen the lungs, such as loads of pranayama breathing. walking or jogging briskly and breathing deeply into the lungs. Also adding minerals in your diet such as iron to help move the red blood cells laden with oxygen through your beautiful body.

The large intestine loves to be released of parasites and also to be strengthened with antioxidants at this time of the year. The pockets in the large intestine play an important role in toxicity of the body,  we can reabsorb toxins back into the system or  eliminate them with our faeces. So  I recommend that you eat dark foods that are full of antioxidants here, like beetroot and berries and dragonfruit. Really rich foods in antioxidants. Betaine is the active in beetroot and specific to the large intestine.  The red ones are specific to this time of the year in many cultures as the seasonal foods are our indicator. Also pumpkin seeds are full of anti parasitic qualities.

Think antioxidants.. think red… Lycopene is an active in cooked tomatoes, and this time of the year is perfect for tomato soups, sauces and those preserved and sun dried tomatoes you made in the summer time. Isn’t that beautiful… the foods we traditionally preserve in one season for the next are the ones we need! Lycopene is very good for your blood and your blood responds to it so well  transporting  all over the body. Super immunity support. 

The herbs I recommend for this time of the year from our dispensary to your home care kits  are perfect support and a great aid to your wellness! 

Herbal immunity blend for the whole family. Take a small dose each day to school or work in your water bottle and beat the seasonal infections by staying strong and having a stronger physical resilience.

Iodine metabolism blend. For balancing the metabolism and helping you reduce heavy metals in the body. Take  your therapeutic dose each morning and help eliminate those extra kilos that gather over the summertime. This blend also helps with digestive balance and goes deeply into cells to help you clear out the poisons that may have accumulated in the whole body, it really gets into the lungs and pockets in large intestine removing poisons and strengthening your body.

Herbal Parasite Blend Remove parasites and help your immunity by lightening up the load. There are parasites in all systems of our body at times and this is the perfect time of the year to say Bye Bye!


Health check in with me !

We will need some extra foresight and support from time to time, no matter what you do as a regular health practice its nice to reflect that back at someone who cares and understands what its all about.

Connect with us for your personal naturopathic health check . This is via Skype and costs $100 per session  1 hour to 1.5 hours . Its  one on one assistance from me  for all  areas of your body and lifestyle. We add  some simple additions and strategies  so you can  create a definitive and clear plan about what you can do now to help you tomorrow! It is also a great way to decide what works for you and what doesn’t . We will discuss all areas of your life in a confidential environment and look at some great ways to help you now!

My Skype name is Dominique LivKamal and you will need to connect with us via email or Skype friend request so that we can start the process of consultation.

This platform is new for us, so we welcome all of our current  clients to come on board and check in with me if you want more personal time to discuss your wholeness plan and I  can help you refine your wellness today! Your location is the perfect place for us to chat! Skype is the perfect platform for us to connect.


Feel wholesome, well and comfortable in your own skin. This is our  natural state of being, its where we came from. the healthiness and nurturing of our mothers wombs and then into this clean beautiful world where we naturally resonate to eating fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs and natural foods. We feel more at home in natural green environments, our stress levels drop and our body feels more intrinsically peaceful and whole. This is our natural state.

So its natural then that we will feel healthier and more balanced when we eat a plant based diet and when we look at our food as medicine.  Its  our best absorbed medicine and its also the most natural way to stay healthy as we live with a good diet and know our body. This is a great time to redefine your diet. To talk with us about how we can assist you in dietary refinements that happen in little steps so that its easy and fun!

Knowing our body is something we need to explore more as we get older!  To do this we need good exercise,  fresh air and a good diagnostic system to understand whats going on and how to treat minor symptoms as they come up. Why not have a regular health check? Having a regular health check is invaluable when it comes to prevention of chronic disease and reducing your risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, cancers, diabetes, obesity, and auto immune conditions that can be epigenetic and created by the environments we live in.

My books The Wellness Zone and The Magic of Food as Medicine are great resources to help you refine and develop your health plans. They are $5 each online as ebooks. On my web site. Or you can talk with me, either via Skype, or via our free clinics when we pop up in The Eumundi Market every Saturday or at Festivals and events.  If you want to chat about your health you can always call our clinic between Tuesday and Friday and thats also a free service as we can assist with Herbal solutions and general naturopthaic advice. Its our loving service and we are here to help you. Our resources are very broad and our networks wide. So call us when you need that extra bit of advice or herbal solutions.


I’ve just had the privilege of attending some really great therapeutic training with Gwyn Williams on Zen Thai flow  and  the 5 Chinese elements. This work involves designing your daily yoga practice to incorporate the seasons and the specific meridians and body organs that are related to that season or more interestingly in the therapeutic model… if you are having issues with specific organs or body systems then you are able to do your yoga practice focusing on these ailments and using yoga as very specific therapy. Its great. You may know that my work involves Zen Thai shiatsu body work and yoga, I did the full training with Gwyn and this was my second round on this  yoga flow training.  I’m looking forward to bringing some of this into my next workshop on May 25th in Maleny.


I’m so excited to be the first Australian to be invited to present at The Plant Medicine online summit in America with David Crow and the beautiful people from The Shift Network.  Please sign up for free and listen to the talks for free this week. I would really appreciate your support and appreciate you giving me some feedback on my interview as well. I’m talking about he wholeness of the signature of herbs! Its new work and I’d love to know what you think. Once again this work is related to my upcoming workshop in Maleny in May. So if you like the idea of this herbal medicine practice and you enjoy the interview then please join us in May. Here is the link to the summit. Click on here and sign up now! Then come back to my newsletter and read the rest of our news! Theres lots going on atm. FREE REGISTRATION TO SUPPORT MY WORK WITH PLANT MEDICINE SUMMIT SIGN ON NOW


The Bali spirit Festival is located in Ubud Bali, Indonesia. This annual event is a sister festival to our beautiful High vibes on the mountain and has over 200 presenters. Its the worlds premium yoga, music, dance event with consciousness heart and a great vibe. I’m often visiting this event and looking at presenters and ideas that I do bring to Woodford Folk Festival. But really theres nothing like this event. Its so beautiful and healthy and yoga, yoga, yoga, dance, dance, dance all day and night for a week!  Make your booking now!

The theme this year is “Return to Source” as a recognition of the unified inner life of all living things, the Being from which all beings arise, the consciousness that sees through every pair of eyes. It is the sacred silence found in deepest meditation. And it is the music that streams from heart-centered awareness to bless all with ears to hear.


Check out our web site for our handmade body products and herbal solutions. 

The manufacture of organic herbal medicines is a process where we maximise the  potency of these plants.  We love this process and enjoy being herbalists. So much care and love goes into every herbal preparation for you!

Our herbal solutions are organic, hand made and just right to help you get well and stay well.

More upcoming events soon too. Make Sure you get your ticketing for these ones, they will be so good! 

We will be at Byron Spirit Festival from the 20th till the 23rd April 

The Planting Festival from May 2nd till 4th 

Our workshop on Wholeness and Wellness for one day on  the 25th May $80 per person and a great day if you want to work with me on your personal health objectives

Come and see us at our free clinics Saturday Eumundi Market in South East QLD. We have been there since 2004 and love to connect with you about your herbal medicine health care… No appointments made and we really want to share the love and empowerment of herbal medicine solutions and wellness advocacy. We are there most weeks, rain hail or shine…. check our website or call us 0409765033 if you want confirmation… Love Love Love to see you there.

Our facebook pages are Dominique Livkamal and

On instagram we are medicine_room

Have a great day

Love and light Dominique Livkamal

MHlth public health/health promotion Bch Hlth Sc/ Complimentary medicine ND, Nutritionist, herbalist . Adv Dip Nat. Dip Journ. Kundalini yoga teacher, Zen Thai Shiatsu, student of life and wellness advocate. Founder Medicineroom. High vibes on the mountain, herbal first aid services and programmer for Woodford Folk Festival…. always working with love, gratefulness, light and through the divine grace!

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