How are your stress levels?Join my online course this October

How are your stress levels?Join my online course this October

How are your stress levels? It doesn't always involve too much action. Sometimes... it just goes the other way... Too much in action. 

I can't begin to know how you feel personally? It's so different for each of us now. The feelings, the lack of freedom, the way we respond and the way we try to keep it all together is our own business. 

Or is it? Globally we have so many protests, so many changes, decisions to make with cross over of information that can sometimes confuse us? Are you confused? Well thats pretty normal right now and your responses are all OK. 

How can we help ourselves? How can we keep it all together while we feel unsure of anything? Thats when resilience, capacity, trust and understanding come in. Thats also when a good strong nervous system and emotional body can make all the difference as we navigate new strategies and ways of behaviour! 

Herbally and naturopathically we have ways that are time tested and proven by years of trial and error. Let's face it. Whats going on now, has happened a thousand times before in different ways. Pandemics, wars, famine and loss of freedoms have been a cyclic part of history forever. We just never had so much autonomy or freedom before these things hit us before. So how do we deal with the pressure personally? How do we go from total freedom to this current presentation and stay centred, sane and feeling good in our lives? 

Of course we have herbs, yoga, mindfulness and we have capacity building and resilience strengthening coping mechanisms. Without going into the details here I want to invite you to join me on our next four week masterclass on Stress relief naturally starting in October. We have another three days of early bird with a $100 discount bringing total cost of course to $195 including your student kit. 

This course is for anyone who wants to be empowered and capable of increasing your coping mechanisms for stress. This is all about herbal recipes, remedies and strategies to reduce your stress responses and feel more able to get on with it and be stringer for yourself and others now! 

Every week we make a recipe of food for stress relief and emotional support and also a herbal medicine recipe. My courses are fun and we have a Tuesday evening 7pm Live facebook class and all assignments are posted to this platform where everyone shares their ideas in our like minded community. 

I had no idea we would be here when I developed this online masterclass. Now I see its perfect and will help you in so many ways, even bringing joy and happiness to your life! 

Please join us . The early bird ends on 10th September. 

Blessings and light Dom xox 


Our next online course is Stress relief naturally. and we have the early bird open now. 

We have four more long table wellness days planned for 2021. Make your bookings online now for our Maleny herbal dispensary intimate days limited to 12 guests. 

September Sleep well.

October Adaptogens

November Herbal sauces

December Herbal cocktails 

have a lovely weekend. we will be at Eumundi markets on Saturday and you can book for our Maleny clinics online 

Visit our online shop today for herbal teas and beautiful body products we make here! 






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