Herbal First Aid Services in Festivals

Herbal First Aid Services in Festivals

Whats in our herbal first aid service? herbs and Love to you!!

I am so inspired and passionate about herbal medicine solutions for everyone at home. We have been running our services for many years and now we are developing our concept of herbal first aid solutions that you can enjoy when you come to our free naturopathic  clinics in Festivals and events. We also offer this service to surfing communities globally and want to share the love more. Come see us at Splendour in the grass for your herbal needs and supplies.


Today I want to share with you whats in our herbal first aid kit that we offer at Festivals and events. This service is now 100% by donation and you choose what you offer us in return for this wonderful first aid given to you by our team of well trained and qualified crew. This service runs alongside our free naturopatic clinics where we give you advice. Now you can have your small injuries seen to and reduce your risk factors for illness at events even more. Simple and effective.

What we do?

Our aim in these services is to offer a buffer zone between your injury and the need for  conventional medical attention. So, we aim to get to your wounds fast when they are tiny and prevent further deterioration that may result in infections and painful inflammation. So, we help you mostly with the following injuries. Cuts, blisters, scrapes and small skin wounds. Rashes and abrasions on the skin. Bruises, painful and inflamed skin and injuries from being hit or falling. We also offer internal assistance with shock,stress ,food poisoning and nausea.  We often mix and match the herbs to get a really specific result for the patient and thats why we have these choices in the range. Everyone is different and we like to look after you and help you feel better asap.

Of course we have our full range of herbal medicines, skin balms and sprays to use in this service too, So don’t be surprised if we give you a little shoulder massage, spinal massage or rub your knees or feet to help you feel better.

We are a service that works quietly and naturally to help you stay well in festivals and events. We have been running this service at Festivals we attend and also offer it in some surfing communities. We are always happy to train you and to supply you with any herbs that you need for your herbal first aid service at home or for your community.

We use padding, medical tape, bandages and thats about it. We compress herbs onto injuries and we seal injuries to reduce risk factors for infections, bruising and inflammation.  We are not the only ones in these events offering first aid, You are free to go to the medics and regular services if you wish. We are offering pure 100% herbal first aid and old fashioned naturopathic techniques to help you stay well. We refer you to your Doctor or the medical teams in events if we know you need that. We have all networking in place to get you the best help fast tracked if needed and if its simple and a small injury then we can help you.  If we offer you internal solutions then we will make a note of any medications you are on and we will offer you a small dose of the herbs to help alleviate the situation and make you more comfortable.

We have small 50ml bottles of these herbs available for $10 each in the events so that you can take some home and use later. Larger sizes are available in our formulas and we have our free naturopathic advice to help you too.

We will be at Splendour in the grass next week and hope to see you there for our free clinics and our herbal first aid service.

Heres what in our Herbal First Aid Kit and why we use it

Aloe Vera 

We have aloe extract in our first aid kit because is is really cooling.  We use topically for  sunburn, wind burn and kitchen burns. It works on alleviating pain and helping to heal everyday cuts, rashes, skin abrasions, bruises, boils, herpes, mouth ulcers, tooth pain, digestive tract balance and skin ulcers.  We have both the extract and the herbal skin balm in Aloe vera.


We love having anise in our first aid kit and use it internally for relief of pain from heartburn, food poisoning, indigestion, parasites and discomfort in digestion and relief of stomach and gut pains. Relieves nausea, abdominal pain and spasmodic flatulence. It helps prevent fermentation in the digestive tract and we use it for colic and any gripping pains in the stomach. We have the liquid herbal extract in Aniseed.


Arnica extract is beautiful to help reduce inflammation, swelling and bruising from injuries. Arnica works really well on skin thats not broken and we use it topically on sprains, tendons, muscles and painful bodies. We have both the extract and our herbal skin balm in arnica.


Soothing, cooling, revitalising and repairing for broken skin, rashes, cuts and injuries Calendula is one of our favourite herbs in the first aid kit. We use it topically to clean many wounds and we love Calendula for its instant soothing effect. Calendula is also excellent for tooth infections and for digestive balance internally in our first aid kit.


Comfrey seals and heals. We use this topically for sprains, injuries and to seal the flow of blood. Its good to help wounds heal faster and a great aid for fractures and healing of sprains and muscle injuries.

Herbal cough, cold and flu relief

Sore throats, coughing, lung conditions and flu relief. This internal medicine is used in the first aid kit to help relieve symptoms with the herbs thyme, andrographis, liquorice root, echinacea and nettle root. Relieving symptoms and reducing development of flus.


Echinacea is great to numb pain and to help stop infections. We use it in our first aid kit when we see an infection starting on the skin and to help viral, fungal, bacterial and yeast skin conditions. It also numbs your mouth with tooth pain. Aids in food poisoning and exposure to illness by instantly boosting your immunity.  Liquid herbal extract.


Ginger increases circulation and is great to kill off all infections. Its also our number one go to for food poisoning and works as a wonderful antinflammatory and infection fighter. Its great for nausea and also headache relief. Liquid herbal extract.


Hypericum is for burns and heated skin.  A great antiviral herb. Its also for nervous system support and relaxation in stressed situations. Liquid herbal extract.

Herbal Headache relief

Yes our herbal headache relief is in the first aid kit because its so good at relieving all kinds of headaches. It contains white willow bark, chamomile, ginger  and feverfew. This one is taken internally and really good to reduce brain inflammation and all kinds of migraines, headaches and pain in the body. Liquid herbal extract

Kava Kava 

This is taken internally for stress relief and emotional support in traumatic situations. Kava Kava taken this way is a very good herb for both patients and support friends and family to settle everyone down and relax. Its also used at night for sleep and as an antidepressant. Liquid herbal extract

Herbal Stress Ease

This combination of hypericum, melissa, astragalus, lavender and liquorice root is our beautiful nervous system supporting formula. This is taken internally as a relaxing, stress formula and helps enormously. Good for food poisoning, travel sickness, nervousness, stage fright and digestive balance including pain reduction.  Liquid herbal extract.


Great for wounds to stop infections developing, also reduces skin irritations and reduces inflammation. Turmeric taken internally works well with suspected food poisoning and digestive ailments. It is wonderful for sprains and injuries plus reduces pain. Liquid herbal extract


Calming and nurturing for the nervous system this is our internal medicine for over excitability and calming for the whole body. Relaxing and helps sleep.


Call by and see us at Splendour in the grass next week. Make time to come to one of my herbal first aid courses and learn how to do this yourself at home. Simple solutions.

Have a great day

Dominique LIvkamal ND, MHlthProm. Bach Hlth Sci Comp med, Adv dip nat, nutrition, herbalism, Zen Thai Shiatsu, Kundalini yoga, Dip Journ.  Programmer QFF, Developer High vibes on the mountain. Passionate alchemist and  advocate for wellness and joy!  Willing assistant in great projects.

phone +61 409765033

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