Easter blessings... Make time for the ones you love!
Happy Easter and we trust you will be having some down time in this next week to recover and reenergise after a busy start to the year.
I wanted to apologise for not so many newsletters and information so far this year. My mum ( Betty) died in March and before that I was in and out of Sydney for six weeks while she was in Hospital then palliative care for one week. I went to Sydney for my usual bi monthly visit to stay with her and met an unexpected, unwanted surprise.
When I arrived at my Hotel my son Adam was waiting for me and we drove out to Campbelltown hospital where I was to spend the next five weeks as mum had collapsed and the tests showed a mitral heart valve rupture that was leaking into her lungs. She was not a candidate for open heart surgery and medical management failed. The sudden collapse at home when she went to stand up represented how severe the condition had become. Time was gifted to us in a very unexpected way. We spent everyday by her bed at the Hospital chatting, reading to her, giving her massage and nourishing support.
Mum was 84 and was living in her home alone when this happened, she was only on one medication for her thyroid and managed her life well using herbal medicines from our dispensary, good diet and lifestyle choices.
It was an intense time as you can imagine. Thats why I have not organised any online classes, any open days, long table wellness nor have I been sending out many newsletters or blogs. We have changed a few things around in the herbal dispensary in 2023. My focus is my patients and herbal medicines. We also have a new range coming out in the next month or two which we will launch soon. This will be dedicated to mum and all mums... its really beautiful. watch this space!
We are open every Thursday in Maleny to come and visit for free community clinics from 10am till 3pm and Saturday is our Eumundi Market day. These are the two times you can see us face to face. We love these days as we can chat to you, prescribe and formulate individual herbal medicines.
We have Telehealth free clinics on Weds afternoons and you can phone us to chat from Weds to Sat weekly. We will talk and process your herbal prescriptions and send them to you in mail or for pick up.
I will organise some special events this year when I feel my energy is back more and I am flowing with creativity again. In the mean time Thank you for everything you do to support me and our business. Our family are all grateful for your best wishes and continued business. We love what we do and this has taught me a lot about life and health. Thank you to my son Alex and to Tamara for holding the fort here as I came and went through that time.
Mum did great to live to 84 with barely any medications, nor any interventions from the system as she was independent and living her life as she pleased. Underlying health issues of coeliacs disease and rheumatoid arthritis took their toll on her energy and she managed these with herbal medicines and good diet for many years.
She has written three books and right up until her last days in the Palliative care unit at Camden Hospital ( where she spent her last ten days) mum was instructing her friends from the Heritage society on the next book and what needs to be done as she had completed her research. Mum was a historian and her books are all about Early Sydney and the families who lived there.
I was there with mum when she died. It was beautiful. I was so lucky to spend that time with her and my siblings, nieces and nephews and sons all had this time too. It was precious in so many ways and really helps the grieving process when you understand the details and were lucky enough to share these final moments that offered mum relief and peace.
Her memorial was held at the Oaks Heritage Society as she requested and I wrote her eulogy. There was a celebration of her life that day and we all reflected and spoke of her life. I loved listening to her many friends talk about their memories. We ate scones, sandwiches, drank tea and had a good old Australian celebration for mum. This is a time of grief but also a time of relief knowing that she lived her life well and she is now in peace.
Make time for the people you love this Easter. Take the time to resolve any issues that stand between you and come out of the weekend with a feeling of peace love and contentment. Be compassionate to each other and make time to enjoy the small stuff. meals together, chatting, cups of tea and reflecting on the past. Make plans for the future together and make the effort to release what doesn't serve you. Hold love in your heart and share that love with the people in your life that matter. Your family and friends. Make new friends and open your health to wellness and joy!
Happy Easter and looking forward to chatting soon.
This is a picture of Mum and Tamara with Tulsi ( her great granddaughter) late last year on the Train at Thirlmere at the Train museum.
I wanted to share tis with you today and wish you a beautiful family and friend filled Easter.
Love Dom xxoox