Calendula fun this weekend in Yandina. Come and join me.

Calendula fun this weekend in Yandina. Come and join me.

This is a picture I took of Calendula at the Sydney Botanical gardens. I take so many pictures of Calendula. Its everywhere and I haven't been anywhere on this planet where it doesn't grow. Every botanical garden and herbal garden has this plant growing wild. It just grows itself with a little water and love! 

I love herbal initiatives and when people in our community step up and make room for herbal education and fun days. Cat from everyday empowered has done this here on The Sunshine Coast and I am a guest this Sunday at The Herb folk group. 

Do you love Calendula? It's a herb we all know as it grows everywhere. 

It's going to be fun and you are welcome to join us. I'm bringing some dried Calendula and ingredients so you can make a Calendula Oxymel which is a traditional method of extracting herbs for medicinal uses. So, Bring a jar so you can take yours home. It's my gift to you. I will be teaching you how to make an Calendula Oxymel and how to use it at home. 

I am also making you a Calendula herbal digestion tea blend and you can sip the tea and learn all about why Calendula is so great for your digestion. I will go into detail of digestion and how Calendula is so magical to aid digestion and reduce health issues. 

Also its your opportunity to get some of our Calendula herbal skin products or herbal extractions to use at home from our herbal dispensary. We are offering a special Calendula pack on the day! 

Time: Event goes from 2 - 4pm. 
Location: The Blue House- Yandina Community Gardens, 41 Farrell St, Yandina.

Please get your tickets online and support Cat and her project. I'm bringing herbal goodness to you on this beautiful medicine and would love to share this info face to face. 

You'll get an up-close-and-personal look at Calendula:
Contribution: $25 Buy tickets here 

Have a beautiful day 

Love Dom 



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