Medicine Room

Sleep Clinic June 2024 Weds 5th June to Sunday 10th June.


Welcome to my sleep clinic 100% online and 5 days together working on your solutions.

Do you want some assistance from Dominique with sleeping well? Let's have a five day sleep clinic together. Course is five nights zoom calls with education and checking in. Plus a program to follow and Herbal medicines to help you on your way! Course is online daily meeting and course notes in this platform. Early bird $150 includes herbal tea and herbal extraction plus body product for daily use. ( Price goes to $200 from May 20th 2022)

Who is this for? 

You when you can't sleep and are trying to work it out. Is it stress? physical illness? hormones? bad habits? poor sleep hygiene? eating ? drinking? a pattern that needs changing? is it worry? over fatigue or toxicity? Maybe its just that you are over thinking? or under preparing for sleep. 

What we will do? 

Chat, educate, assess, discern and make a plan to help you sleep. We will unravel the confusion and the personal issues you face and find a solution together to help you sleep better. 

When do we meet? 

At 7pm on zoom daily. If you miss a day we send you the recording. ( 30 to 40 minute conversation and education preparing you fro the night) . No social media and other education  provided  in writing in the main course platform from Medicineroom web site. 

Can I join?

Yes click the link and join now. Course herbs sent two weeks before we start and early bird ends on May 20. So price increases to $200 then. Once you join you will recieve a receipt and then one weel before course starts Dom will email you. You will give her some details and then we all start together on the 5th June. 

We welcome you to join us and learn some tips to help you sleep well. 

This is a once off offering like all of Dominiques education and we encourage you to make the most of this opportunity. Book now!  




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