Womens health care, Online masterclass enrolments open!
What are the big subjects with Womens health care?
When we think about womens health care we often put hormones first! Yes we are defining ourselves and our friends by our age and thats often all about hormones. "I'm peri menopausal" "I'm post menopausal" "I'm in my cycle this week" "I'm getting period pain" " My period is late" " Its hormonal weight gain" etc.
How often have you heard this as the definer of being a woman. We don't talk about anyone else like this! But when it comes to us we tend to put our hormonal status first as though it is the main marker and point of definition.
Sure, hormones are important, and they are a subject we constantly revisit because sometimes it just feels complex right? We know that hormones are the reason why a whole cascade of emotions, pain, stress and general lower function are happening. When our hormones are in flux, we can guarantee we are in flux on many other levels. Poor sleep, inflammation, increased illness and even anxiety and depression!
But what if the hormones were only a part of the reasoning? What if some of our most pressing subjects for health and wellness were seperate to that or at the very least not driven only by hormones?
Hormonally related health subjects such as increased risk of cardiovascular disease in post menopausal women and weight gain during menopause are all important. Hormonal breast cancers and ovarian and cervical cancers are important, so are period pains, endometriosis, fibroids and ovarian cysts. We all need to know about these things. We also need to know about the life cycles and life stages we experience and to be able to see that a lot of our feelings, emotional changes and stresses certainly can be related to hormones. This stuff is good to know.
I want to draw your attention to other factors in health care for women that are important and are the big subjects. This is other than hormones....
1. Stress, anxiety, depression. During the last year with lock downs and changes to income streams, employment, family housing and social structures stress, depression and anxiety are high on our list of reasons to feel bad! As women we often take an extra load in families to help everyone else cope and we often put ourselves last. The once a month PMT has turned into the all month anxiety and depression with increased feelings of hopelessness and family stressors.
Finding solutions to this are ongoing as we define the causes of the stress, anxiety and depression and become good at finding temporary, daily and sometimes hourly solutions. Nutritional medicine, herbs, yoga, dance, talking, exercise, cups of tea and counselling solutions are all available. But are they affordable and accessible? And do they work well enough? And, how are we self sabotaging with bad habits to over compensate our disempowerments? These are all questions we need to address as women and for our families and our own happiness. With the increases in depression, stress and anxiety amongst everyone in the last year we need to find some long term and successful solutions that help us move forward in life and not becoming stuck!
2. Autoimmune diseases. I can't tell you the number of women I work with in the dispensary who are addressing post viral syndromes, ongoing viral loads, autoimmune diseases and chronic fatigue! Seriously this stuff is debilitating and its becoming part of a common picture of womanhood at this time! the ongoing COVID 19 situation has only made matters worse for many women who are already riding the edge of viral loading with ross river fever, lymes disease, glandular fever etc. How can we boost our body? How can we increase our wellness and energy levels? There are more questions than solutions here as often these illnesses are in a cycle of energy flux from high energy to low energy in a single breathe.
3. Lifestyle compromised bad choices. Yes its true , many women are making poor choices with diet, alcohol, medications, time management and relationships simply because this all feels overwhelming. There are solutions and choices you can make to have optimal wellness taking all the main subjects into account. Its challenging being a woman sometimes and it's a topic we all need to understand and refine ourselves so that we can help ourselves be happy and heathy.
Join me for our four week masterclass on Womens wellness. We cover these topics in detail and more!
Have a great week and we still have our 20% early bird available. details in the link
Love Dominique