What do we know about our emotions anyway?
Hello Beautiful Medicine Room Family.
We are kicking off the new year with a webinar next Weds evening the 22nd January on Emotions. Then we will be rolling into an online course on that very topic. We will be taking a deep dive into formulating herbal medicines incorporating your emotional body, nervous system and stress into the equation.
I know its an important topic for many of us as we are all influenced by how we feel! Yes its true... how we feel is important and I want to share with you some tips, tricks, strategies and ways to develop your own resilience and handle these aspects of our lives gently with herbal medicine care.
So what are Emotions anyway?
Emotions are complex psychological and physiological states that arise in response to internal or external events. They are essential to human experience, influencing our thoughts, behaviours, and interactions with others. Here’s a breakdown of what emotions are and how they can affect us:
What Are Emotions?
Psychological Aspect: Emotions involve subjective experiences, such as happiness, sadness, anger, fear, and surprise. These experiences are shaped by our thoughts, memories, and perceptions.
Physiological Aspect: Emotions trigger physical responses in our bodies, like changes in heart rate, hormone levels, and brain activity. For instance, feeling anxious might cause a faster heartbeat and sweaty palms.
Behavioral Aspect: Emotions often drive our behaviors and actions. For example, feeling happy might lead us to smile or laugh, while feeling scared might cause us to avoid certain situations.
How Emotions Can Affect Us
Decision-Making: Emotions play a crucial role in our decision-making processes. They can help us evaluate options, weigh risks, and make choices based on our values and desires.
Relationships: Emotions are integral to our social interactions and relationships. They help us communicate, empathise, and connect with others on a deeper level.
Health: Emotions can significantly impact our physical and mental health. Chronic stress or unresolved negative emotions can lead to health issues like heart disease, anxiety disorders, and depression.
Motivation: Emotions can drive us to take action and pursue our goals. Positive emotions like excitement and passion can boost our motivation, while negative emotions like frustration can hinder our progress.
Cognitive Functioning: Emotions can influence our cognitive processes, such as attention, memory, and problem-solving. Strong emotions can either enhance or impair our ability to think clearly and make sound judgments.
Understanding and managing our emotions is crucial for leading a balanced and fulfilling life. By being aware of our emotional states and learning healthy ways to cope with them, we can improve our well-being and build stronger connections with others.
Heres the link for our free online Seminar on Weds 22nd. 7pm Brisbane time.
I hope you can join me. We do have some places left and we welcome you to be part of the Medicine Room Free Education and if you love this evening you might want to join us for the course starting in February 25th until March 7th. Its going to be fun, educational and helpful as each participant gets herbs to take during the course. Here's the link for the course.
We love making herbal medicines, body products and teas. This pic is me with Sharon who works in our Dispensary making so many wonderful teas for us. She is our Tea Queen! yes.. we have a Tea Queen... Thanks Sharon for all you do to help us.
Dominique LivKamal, ND is an award-winning naturopath, herbalist, and wellness advocate. She’s passionate about empowering you on your wellness journey.She holds a Masters degree in Public health ( Health Promotion) Bachelor Health Science ( Complementary Medicine ) is a qualified Naturopath , herbalist and nutritionist. She has three published books and is a constant student in wellness and life Dom also has a diploma in Journalism, is a qualified Kundalini yoga teacher and Zen Thai Shiatsu Therapist and yoga teacher. Dominique is founder and naturopath at Medicine Room. She has developed the herbal manufacturing processes here for herbal extractions and has been offering free community clinics to her clients since 2004.
Thanks so much. We appreciate if you wnat to give us a Google review to help more people learn about us and benefit from our herbal products and clinics.