What can we do to remove stealth pathogens

What can we do to remove stealth pathogens

Lets got into Stealth Pathogens 

Following our detox course in early September a lot came up. Yes so many conversations and concerns over lingering illness, low energy, compromised wellness and why that could be so! 

So, The obvious topic in detox season led me to stealth pathogens. 

We are holding two events in October and November to help you understand this phenomena and to work your way through it practically, simply and fairly cheaply to help eliminate and remove them from your body. 

What is a Stealth Pathogen ?

A stealth pathogen is a type of microorganism, such as bacteria or viruses, that can cause disease but is very good at hiding from your immune system. These pathogens can lie dormant (inactive) for a long time and then suddenly become active, causing illness. They use tactics like hiding inside your cells or creating protective layers to avoid being detected by your immune system.

What do they do to deteriorate my wellness? 

Because stealth pathogens can evade the immune system so effectively, they are tricky to diagnose and treat. Their ability to remain hidden and then reactivate makes them particularly challenging for doctors and researchers. Understanding and combating these pathogens requires advanced scientific techniques and a deep knowledge of microbiology and immunology.

Join me on October 17th online for a free webinar at 7pm Brisbane Time Yes thats AEST+1 coming into the daylight savings times on other states. Here is the link to enrol  

And for those serious bunnies who want to actively work on this problem in a supported group environment. We are running a course from November 5th till 22nd online to help you remove these little buggers . The course includes 2 x weekly live classrooms on zoom with Q and A time ( total 6 classes) 1 x  herbal medicine and 1 x  herbal tea.  This course is a full Three week Naturopathic clinic with Dominique personally to guide you and help you with all your questions and support in diet, lifestyle and herbs.  

So we invite you to join us on this journey. 

Once you enrol in the three week course we will send you a questionnaire and formulate your herbs and your tea for you individually and then we are all doing our own program together. This is a fun way to achieve wellness goals. 

Dominique LivKamal, ND is an award-winning naturopath, herbalist, and wellness advocate. She’s passionate about empowering you on your wellness journey.She holds a Masters degree in Public health ( Health Promotion) Bachelor Health Science ( Complementary Medicine ) is a qualified Naturopath , herbalist and nutritionist.  She has three published books and is a constant student in wellness and life Dom also has a diploma in Journalism, is a qualified Kundalini yoga teacher and Zen Thai Shiatsu Therapist and yoga teacher. Dominique is founder and naturopath at Medicine Room. She has developed the herbal manufacturing processes here for herbal extractions and has been offering free community clinics to her clients since 2004. 

#stealthpathogens #parasites #chronicfatigue #lowenergy #digestive #Bowel #medicineroom #howto #detox 

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