The invitation is mindfulness.... Are you available?
Hello and how are you today? Did you know that depression could become the number one global illness in the next twenty years taking over cardiovascular disease and chronic disease? One in four people get depressed and now is a time when we need to step up fast and help each other.
How are you feeling? Are you OK?
Social connection and friendship is important. Making time to laugh and have good conversations and good energy with friends and family is critical to feeling good in life. Too much time by yourself can be unhealthy. So, find the balance that works for you.
When we are making time for ourselves then there are a few key things we can do to help us feel better and meditating has shown to beone of them. Meditation has been recorded for thousands of years. Some research has shown that the brain of a 50 year old who meditates is 7.5 years younger!!! Boom. So the Hipprcampus is the part of the brain where researchers look at aging and what slows it down. Its the one place where they can see in research whether an activity is helping us stay younger longer. When we are doing things that make us feel good and happy, then this part of the brain tends to be showing better preservation.
And the telemeres which are caps on the end of the dna are also an indicator of age, shorter and shrinking equals aging and decreased health, and longer and growing is all about youth and agelessness. So, where are you? and how do you know? These physical markers tend to be showing better results and less degeneration in people who are active, vibrant and positive about life. So does happiness help us live longer lives of better quality?
MIndfulness is the key according to some researchers,so is fasting. So many conscious practitioners and lifestyle medicine people all say the same thing.... How you feel is the indicator? If your subjective wellbeing says its good for you and you are having a better experience of your life then you are at a good place for wellness and happiness.
Here I am with my lovely Friend Bec. We often laugh and banter together. Its fun! In these days of lock downs its hard to catch up with friends. So social media, online video calls and some time on the phone all help. Are you making time for your friends and family now?
What is the impact on us, if we were taught at a young age to be mindful.? The idea of mindfulness is to be present in the situation and moment we are living now in an observers perspective without judgement and shame. Do you do that? It sounds simple doesn't it? Just be present! That involves us letting go of the past, not. thinking of the future and being able to embrace the present moment and living in the NOW! The more we can do that ... then maybe we could let go of some of that anxiety for the future, that depression about our lives and we might just become grateful and accepting and happy? Is that possible?
How do we live mindfully everyday for the rest of our lives? I think we just start with one minute at the time, one experience at the time and bring the concept of mindfulness and presence to our mind! Maybe do a course, Read about it, watch some vids. Talk to friends and see how they do it? Well thats not even hard. Just be here, be present and live simply. ]
We have herbs to help mental health if you are feeling down, overwhelmed, depressed, anxious or just in need of some extra support. The statistics say that one in four people are living with mental health issues and at the moment everyone is challenged with changes and sub optimal lifestyle choices with social settings and access to friends and family. Don't be so alone and reach out for assistance when you need it. Call us today for herbal support and let us make you a formula !
Stay tuned as we are offering some epic online training courses for you in the beginning of July. Sign up for our newsletter if you are not getting it already!
We are taking advantage of this time to renovate the premises and to technically upgrade and renovate our web site. Our online shop is closed, so you need to call us or email if you want any of our awesome body products. We have them in stock, and so do our stockists! We will have the online shop up and running again soon with some new and epic additions , plus some awesome ideas for you!
During this time we will look after our current patients and clients. However you do need to contact us vis phone or email on the days we are open.
We are Open Tuesday, Weds and Thursday each week only. Closed Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday due to COVID19 restrictions and trading.
The Eumundi markets gave us an update last week and said we should all be back there by early July! So in the mean time, call us, email us and we are happy to help you with what you need!
We welcome you to the following services now.
Come to the mountain and say hello in Maleny...( weds only) Or get online and have a telehealth consult with me. They are both free and 25 minutes in duration. You just need to make your booking now!
How to connect with us Open Tuesday to Thursday. 9am to 4pm when you don;'t want to make an appointment and you want us to help you. Its easy and fun!
phone us +61 409 765033 between 9am and 4pm Tuesday to Thursday.
email us wellness@medicineroom.net (anytime)
Contact us directly for your herbal medicine repeats and new formulations in our free community clinic vis phone or email.

Are body products are only available for direct sales now. The online shop is under renovation. We will be back soon with a whole new format and yummy surprises.
You can heal your life with herbs, nutrition and mindset. Be calm, be healthy and have a strong emotional body, strong physical body and an active vibrant mind! We are really happy to help you.
Have a great day and take care . Make sure you sign up for our online blogs and newsletters . We are starting our monthly prizes again now in May.
phone us +61 409765033
Our facebook pages are Dominique Livkamal and Medicineroom http://www.facebook.com/dominiquelivkamal
On instagram we are medicine_room
With love and blessings Dominique Livkamal
Dominique is the author of two books The Wellness Zone 2nd ed and The magic of food as medicine.
She is a passionate wellness advocate. In 2012 she was awarded the Australian herbalist of the year and in 2015 made a fellow of the NHAA.
Dom holds a Masters in public health/health promotion, A Bachelor or Health Science/ Complementary medicine. She is a qualified naturopath, nutritionist and herbalist . Dom also has a Diploma in Journalism, is a Kundalini yoga teacher, Zen Thai Shiatsu practitioner and a student of life and wellness advocate.
She is the founder of Medicine Room naturopathic herbal dispensary and organises wellness events. Dom created High vibes on the mountain, she developed herbal first aid services and is a programmer for The Woodford Folk Festival…. always working with love, gratefulness, light and through the divine grace!
Much love