Stress relief online course starts next week. Have a peek at whats happening.
I am super excited. We have 35 beautiful people enrolled in our 5th online wellness cooking and medicine making course.
I love that I can share my knowledge and experience with you all and I'm really happy to say that more people are gaining awareness in herbal medicines every day.
Its important that we are empowered to be our own Doctors, to learn about the herbs and the ways that we use herbs for wellness. Especially now as times are ever changing and we need our adaptation skills at a peek. We also need to know how to make medicine at home in a practical way. And thats what my courses offer you.
I'm adding in a little bit of info from week one to share with you here.
Lets look at Hypericum, yes good old St Johns wort. Did you know how it was named and why?
Heres a quote from my lesson on herbs this week.
"In herbal medicine we use traditional and empirical information as well as evidence based information. So, when someone is stressed I clinically always support the emotional body and the nervous system first. I believe that if we can create more resilience and capacity in the person then you have a better opportunity to cope with the stress and will be more capable of getting better faster.
Hypericum is one of the herbs we use for this.
I will go into more detail as the course continues on my ideas and assumptions about stress relief naturally and the herbs section each week is an opportunity for you to understand a herbal perspective on stress relief.
In Greek medicine Hypericum got its name 2000 years ago from “hyperikon” meaning “hyper” translated to “over” and “eikon” meaning “image or apparition” this is because Hypericum was used for its ability to ward off evil spirits. Now this is relevant today. Even though in our society many have dropped the beliefs and terminologies around “evil spirits entering our body” we still have dark thoughts, mental health issues of depression, anxiety, paranoia, fear and inability to move forward. All of which are helped with hypericum."
Education is always empowering and I welcome you to either join me on this course. I will accept more people over the weekend simply because the course hasn't started yet and I want to share the love!
Or try some Hypericum tea.
Heres another quote from week one ( next week is week one)
Hypericum tea recipe.
"I want you to make tea from one half of your student kit supplies, so pop that in a jar and to make the tea add one teaspoon of the dried Hypericum to 200ml of boiling water in a tea pot and allow to infuse for five minutes. Add in some honey if you like and drink this tea.
Now, please make notes of flavour, how you were feeling before you had the tea and how you feel half an hour later. Make notes in your journal and post your thoughts on our private group"
So heres the teaser. If you join my course this last weekend and want to study with me we will express post your student kit on Monday and get it to you in time for the course to start on Tuesday afternoon. Our first live class is Tuesday night.
and if you want some Hypericum for tea heres the link for that.
Have a lovely weekend.
We are at Eumundi Markets on Saturday and our Long table wellness day this Sunday is a sold out event.
Blessings and love Dom xoxo