Hello and how fast 2014 is going along! Wow, we are already in Autumn and that means its time to protect your immunity, snuggle up and make sure that you are optimally healthy for the coming winter.
Its wonderful to make sure that Food is your First Medicine at this time of the year. And, There are three favorites to add to your cooking that will really help you stay strong, healthy and happy.
1. Garlic . Yes our old favorite contains so many active constituents that just keep your blood strong, circulating and protecting your whole system. Garlic is antimicrobial, protective and is the first line of defence against any cough, colds and g=flu symptoms. If you add chlorophyl to the garlic ( in the form of parsley, or anything green in the vegetable family) then you will counteract the effects of the garlic breathe and still get all the goodness.
2. Ginger. Oh, yes… Lets increase circulation, remove any debris of toxicity from the body, stimulate our energy and have those beautiful anti cancer and antimicrobial actions at play within. I just love ginger. Make some ginger tea, add it to your drinks, meals and just grate some raw ginger over salads. Its the perfect protection at this time of the year. I love GInger in soups, in all meals. and I also love to get grated or thinly sliced raw ginger and add it to vinegar and honey and marinate this in the fridge. Then add a little to meals. yummm.
3. Lemon Juice. So, get rid of excess mucous from your whole system, esp your lymphatics and the digestive tract, clear it out now before winter kicks in and then you will have fewer incidences of repsiratory tract illness. Clear out the toxicity in the lymphatics with lemon juice. alkalise the body, flush out your liver. yes, good old lemon juice. squeezed over vegetables and fruits. in a drink with honey, or just suck taht lemon my friends. Its great for you.
Now here is the schedule.for Aprila nd May
We are in the Dispensary every Tuesday to Friday. Then we are at Eumundi Markets every Saturday. We have Sunday and Monday out of The Dispensary. We post mostly on Tuesday and Friday. Sometimes we post other days as well.
We will be at The Planting Festival at Woodford Folk festival Site at Woodfordia from the 9th till the 11th of May.
We will also be at various shops for In store demonstrations through the month. So, look at the facebook page Facebook page for medicineroomfor up to date information about these events
have a great Autumn. I look forward to seeing you at the clinics at Eumundi Markets on Saturdays. I will be there every week for April and May from 7am till 1pm for the free clinics. Come and see me, its such a pleasure to chat with you and help you with your health care needs.
Blessings light and Love
Dominique Liv Kamal
see my web site for details medicineroom web site and you can purchase our gorgeous herbal skin products and my two books online. Have a Fabulous Day!
