Seasonal Wellness subscriptions open now! Get your Winter box!
Today was an awesome learning curve as we worked out adding online subscriptions to the web site.
It's easy. We offer herbal teas, body products and gift boxes manually, its automated. If there is something you would like on subscription and we don't have it listed. Please get in touch and we will try to assist you
How it works.
You can order once or at check out you have the option to set up a reoccurring order with a discount attached. You choose what you want and we post accordingly.
Then we set up some really great value boxes for one off purchase or subscription.
Receive your seasonal wellness box four times a year packed with wellness medicine room goodies to help you enjoy each season and meet the seasons wellness objectives.
Winter is strength, resistance, quietness and staying warm and staying healthy from the seasonal illnesses.
Spring is planting the seeds and coming out of the cave! Cleansing and refreshing
Summer is energy and abundance, staying cool and refreshed
Fall is the releasing of old patterns, letting go and grounding, boosting and protecting our body.
Your wonderful Box will arrive complete with raw herbs and teas, body products and herbal elixirs/ syrups plus recipes, and surprises!
Have a great day!