Best herbal papaya tea with lemon myrtle and olive leaf
Let's talk Papaya, paw paw. Botanically known as Carica papaya
This beautiful Papaya tree was in our back garden for years. It sadly fell down in the big storms two weeks ago here in Maleny. We love our paw paw medicines and here we make the extraction for internal use and we add it to our Lemon myrtle herbal skin balm. We also offer beautiful organic dried papaya for you to use at home for herbal teas.
Our papaya tree until the storm a couple of weeks ago. RIP we will miss you and your healing properties!
Why is Papaya medicine?
Papain is the active constituent that works as a digestive enzyme balancer and assists in digestion of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. As we age we sometimes have issues with assimilation of nutrients in the small intestine. When you take a papaya digestive aid it helps you assimilate nutrients.
Another active called carpain which works on some parasites and is an anitimicrobial. In Indonesia locals were showing me how they have small 30ml shots of the raw papaya juice when they have dengue fever and other viruses. This is a local medicine and I was told that you needed to have this three or four times a day from the onset of a potential mosquito bite.
Traditionally papaya tea is used during the winter to help reduce seasonal illnesses of unknown origin. For example if you have a virus or flu symptoms then you would drink this tea through out the day and enjoy its health benefits. The duration and severity of your flu symptoms may be less. The evidence base is that Papaya can help reduce Human papillomavirus (HPV)
Zeaxanthin is found in Papaya fruit and has been shown to reduce macular degeneration. This is an antioxidant and it's found in research that typically a higher intake of antioxidants helps protect the eyes and reduce risk factors for macular degeneration.
Chymopapain and papain are the two enzymes in papaya that help with wound healing and skin health. It can be used in combination with other herbs for mild burn healing, prevention of infections in skin care.
So, making papaya tea, having some of the extract in your herbal formula and adding it to your skin care regime are all good moves in helping you stay healthy and prevent further illness in common virus and microbial situations.
Here is my recipe for Papaya and lemon myrtle tea for winter
Take your tea pot and add in 1 teaspoon (5 grams) of dried papaya leaf add in 1 teaspoon ( 5 grams) of dried Lemon myrtle leaf and 1 teaspoon ( 5 grams ) of dried Olive leaf
Add in 1 litre of boiling hot water and allow to infuse for ten minutes before drinking. Add honey to taste and enjoy! You can let this cool down and sip through the day. Pop it in your thermos flask and enjoy as required. Add some to your soups and casseroles instead of using water when cooking for a healthy herbal addition to your meals.
Fresh papaya fruit is so healthy. All that beta carotene for free radical scavenging, antioxidants and antimicrobials make it a good food for everyone. The seeds taste peppery and are what contains the papain. Paw paw also contains folate, vitamin A, magnesium, copper, Vitamin B5 fibre vitamin C and all the delicious actives we talked about.
This is our organic herbal skin moisturising balm and cream set of Papaya, olive leaf and lemon myrtle for skin hydration and delicious lemon myrtle essential oil smells.
Have an awesome day. Love Dom xoxo
Take care and blessings. www.medicneroom.com.au