Project Wellness Podcast Launch now... Mindfulness

Project Wellness Podcast Launch now... Mindfulness

Today we launch project wellness podcast.... 

Its been in the making for a while now and I'm super honoured to launch today! 

Heres the first one. 

Make a cuppa and listen for the next 40 minutes to my podcast on Mindfulness.... 

Herbs, nutrition, memory, lifestyle practices... helping you towards wellness and joy! Much love Dominique Livkamal 

heres the link 

Its called Project wellness. 

The first one here is on MIndfulness. All about mind and wellness for your mind! 

Welcome to our first podcast with project wellness. This podcast is designed to help you with practical and applicable wellness strategies. I'm Dominique Livkamal and have spent the last 30 years working in the alternative/ natural health and wellness arena. Every day in my work I help people just like you be empowered with wellness ideas that work! 

We use herbal medicines, nutrition , foods, lifestyle strategies and positive choices to feel good and get well! 

I'm an award winning naturopath and herbalist from Australia. I've written two best selling books and want to share my learnings, accumulative knowledge and research with you! 

Today the topic is mindfulness. What you can do now to help your mind, stress levels and how to be better and sharper mentally! 


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