Herbal tea recipes that heal us daily!

Herbal tea recipes that heal us daily!

Yes , Make teas that heal us everyday. We can do this really easily from our kitchens. This last month as you know we've been doing the online detox masterclass. Everyone has been making epic recipes and medicines. 

When you make herbal teas at home you can be inspiring and you can use your imagination. Sometimes blends that don't look they will go together make great medicines and are delicious. Be innovative, pick fresh flowers and plants that are edible in your garden, get a great collection of dried herbs in your home and make nourishing and hydrating herbal teas every day! 

Whatever you need in your healing regime you can make simple herbal tea recipes that help you feel better and get through the day in a graceful way. Think stress relief, emotional support, detoxing, getting more energy, activating circulation, balancing hormones. herbal tea recipes can help you! 

I want to share with you a recipe that Lee  made and its so simple and yet perfect for everyone. 

" I made a tea ... using 1tsp celery seeds, 3 thin slices each of fresh turmeric and ginger and added a slice of orange. I then poured hot water over and let it steep for about an hour, it is delightful esp when adding a squeeze of orange. Just one of my fun teas to sip on through the day." 

This is an epic tea to help reduce inflammation, clear the liver of toxins, reduce acidity and extra fluids in your body. I love it. Thanks so much Lee for your simple and powerful recipe. 

Thank you for last night Dom, your words of wisdom and heartfelt love for us all on our journeys. We are all so supportive of each other it warms my heart chakra 😍 Thanks Lee. 

Here is another herbal tea made by Teena in the course 

"Peppermint/spirulina& fennel tea:
In a jug add two cups of boiling water to two tspns peppermint leaves& one tspn fennel seeds.
Steep 5mins.
In sml jug add half tspn spirulina to warm water.
Mix well.
Combine well & enjoy!
Great for the arvo as its properties are enlivening/energising/refreshing & soothing.
great to get through the arvo slump.
Full of nutrients.
* spirulina-nutrient rich/energising/deep cell toxin removal/blood cleanser
*Peppermint-energising/digestive support/helps concentration
*Fennel-digestive aid/antioxidant/relaxing, including digestive myscles/helps sleep."
I love this recipe because its a really nourishing tea that can also be a meal when you are detoxing. For anyone who is active and wants to sip on nourishing medicines will love this combo . 
Thanks Teena. 
Medicine Room schedule 

I'm having a long table wellness day here in the dispensary in Maleny on 21st March and we are also running our four week online Women’s wellness Masterclass starting July 26th. If you can't make it to either of these events, then join me for a free webinar on Women’s Wellness in June.  I'll let you know those dates soon. 

Here are the links to Our Long table wellness day March 21st. $55 each includes workshop, education, herbal teas, elixirs and a vegan lunch. 11am till 2pm. Limited tix in herbal dispensary Maleny.


Here’s the link to our online course that are available now. 


Whenever you choose to share an educational experience with me we have fun, we learn, we communicate and we don’t miss an opportunity to dive deep on our chosen topic.

Have a great day and take care 

Our online shop has herbal teas, body products and links to our workshops and events.


and check out our Easter Bliss gift box available now! 


Thank you and have a lovely day Dom xoxo 


phone us  +61 409765033

Our facebook pages are Dominique Livkamal and Medicineroom http://www.facebook.com/dominiquelivkamal


On instagram we are medicine_room 

With love and blessings Dominique Livkamal  





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