Make Herbal Medicines for wintertime wellness

Make Herbal Medicines for wintertime wellness

Make herbal medicines for wintertime wellness.

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The planting festival was so much fun. It was lovely to meet people who participated in the workshops we ran. I didn’t realise how much I loved sharing information and health care education until this weekend. It was great to make recipes, develop ideas, chat with you and connect about how to make your life simple with some practical medicine solutions.

We loved it so much…. that we are planning a day for you this weekend…

Are you planning to come to Maleny this Sunday to attend our workshop? 

Come and join us for the day… this weekend…  We work with you making herbal medicines and therapies for wintertime wellness. You will be making practical , home made products that you can take home. So, bring two glass jars with lids. Bring your notebook and a hearty appetite for  making medicine and getting everyone healthy for wintertime.

In this five hour experience we will show you how to make decoctions for specific wintertime remedies. Body therapies to do at ho,e to stimulate immunity and boost your system.  We will also show you foods and recipes that can help your whole family stay well. We will be making a hearty wintertime lunch that will have you feeling awesome and also providing you with elixirs, drinks and lots of food for thought.  This is $80 per person. Or $75 per person when you bring a friend. Fun, educational and a great day out on the mountain.

We won’t be selling tickets at the door as we need to get prepared for you. So please make your booking. Call us 0409765033. Email us or book online


Whats the best plan to stay well right now? 

How are you feeling now? really do you feel balanced and stable in your body? Or are you feeling somewhat vulnerable and compromised? Its autumn time and we are right in the middle of metal season. Its when you feel sluggish, unstable and its a time of change in  weather plus  our personal lives. Lots of people are feeling flu like symptoms, unmotivated, sluggish and slowing down with our metabolism setting up for wintertime hibernation.

This is  a time to slow down, go with the flow and allow your body the time it needs to relax, tune in and rest.  Its the time to eliminate what no longer works for you. Cutting through the rubbish and keeping the goodness. Great time of the year to clear out your wardrobe, cupboards and storage areas. Get rid of that old stuff and make way for a clear space for yourself. Simplify everything.. bring it right down to the basics!

The herbals that we like at this time of the year are nourishing, clearing, boosting and generally energising and metabolism enhancing. We need these qualities, so taking echinacea is my favourite. It works on the whole body. Ganoderma mushroom and all of the mushrooms generally have a great effect at this time of the year as they clear your liver and boost your immunity. Nettle is perfect to boost your blood and increase red blood cells function, allowing clear circulation and really oxygenated blood.  Kelp, seaweeds and lots of mineralising herbals are our favourites because they support and nourish your whole body.

The foods to eat are loaded with garlic and onion.  Lots of boosting and strengthening qualities that help you stay healthy. Have you made our garlic extract yet? we have several versions of garlic extractions with the best being our aged garlic formula. This one is easy to make at home and great for the whole family to use during wintertime.  The recipe is in my book The Wellness Zone available online for download. Or come to our workshop on Sunday and make some yourself!

Talk with us if we can help you with herbals now. We offer free phone services through the week, so call up and chat for fifteen minutes about your health and let us get a plan in place,  If you want a more consolidated session then you can book  a Skype consult ( with free freight for any herbals you want) or come to Maleny and see me for a classic naturopathic clinic in our dispensary and meet the crew!


Herbal Body therapies

Herbal skin care is so healthy for us to do on a regular basis. How do you look after your skin? what do you do on a regular basis to create nourishment from the outside?

This is metal time of the year, Its when the weather gets cooler and drier. Its when you become tireder and have less energy for the things you were motivated to do in the warmer months. So with our skin, lets get it nourished with herbals and oils, soak up the minerals and allow your skin some great boosting. The herbals for this are calendula, allow vera, comfrey, chickweed, papaya, avocado, olives and aromatherapeutic oils that bring in antimicrobial and immune boosting qualities such as rose, lavender and jasmine.

Nourish your skin daily with some herbal oils and also make sure you get lots of hydration on your skin with warm pea treatments, such as sauna to detox the cells,  exfoliation hydro therapies such as flu body exfoliation in mineral salts followed by a full hot bath.  Also nourishing your skin everyday before sleep with good monounsaturated oils. lush and delicious skin therapy at home is easy. We have a workshop coming up on July 29th in Maleny if you are interested.

Dom is holding regular therapy sessions at Caloundra. Moffats beach sharing some space in Bliss you massage centre. There are 10 sessions available each month and we welcome you to book your 1.5 hour session with Dom. They are $150 each and include full pulse diagnosis, Body wrap including oil exfoliation, breathe work and pulsing therapies. Acupuncture,  and remedial therapy included in this personalised session. This is the opportunity to absorb herbals from the outside in. It takes 24 hours for the therapy to complete its magic. We also work on the subtle body and allow healing to take place through your whole body, mind and soul! We are fully booked for May and early June. However we have spots available on Sunday the 10th June and Tuesday 19th June.  Connect with us for your spot!


Our facebook pages are Dominique Livkamal and

On instagram we are medicine_room

Our next events are Queensland Garden expo in July. Splendour in the grass in July and also we have our workshop on making herbal body care on July 29th… See if you can make it to one of our events… they are fun.

Have a great day

Love and light Dominique Livkamal

MHlth public health/health promotion Bch Hlth Sc/ Complimentary medicine ND, Nutritionist, herbalist . Adv Dip Nat. Dip Journ. Kundalini yoga teacher, Zen Thai Shiatsu, student of life and wellness advocate. Founder Medicineroom. High vibes on the mountain, herbal first aid services and programmer for Woodford Folk Festival…. always working with love, gratefulness, light and through the divine grace!


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