Hello and welcome to my Blog/ newsletter.
Its getting cold…. We were doing yoga on the beach early this morning with our wet suits on and a cold southerly wind keeping us alert! Woosh, we felt it… Then the sun came up and we were in the water, the sea temperature was warm and embodied us in a deliciousness of warm watery peace…. So beautiful… I love the ocean and I love my surfing journey. Its been about a year and a half now since I started. I started because it was summer and I was in Sri Lanka at the Surf Inn and everyone else surfed. I met women who were totally inspiring and it was their delight and passion for surfing that become infectious… Now days I go with our beautiful Surf Sisters and we all support each other beautifully. Even on cold wintery mornings… Thats the joy of having something you are passionate about and at the same time learning new skills. Whatever it is that gets you up and doing something inspiring… I recommend that you do it… Its brings so much growth and happiness. Its worth the effort!
After surfing, after exercise, after any sports its great to take antiinflammatory and pain relieving herbals. The best part about Golden Zing is that it is composed of the herbs, turmeric, ginger and black pepper. I did a workshop on this at The Planting Festival, I talk about it all the time…. Its so important..
So the low down.. Organic dried ginger root, mixed with turmeric root and black pepper ( also chemical free and grown with Love)
The magic here is that they are really well absorbed in the body in a tea format for what we want to achieve which is an increase in circulation, antioxidant properties, anti inflammation care and also did you know black pepper is an anti depressant? its supports your emotional body, as well as helps the absorption of all foods, including turmeric and ginger…. So add black pepper to everything… it helps digestion of all foods…. not just turmeric… ( which is popular advertising at the moment)
My Golden Zing base also makes our awesome Golden Laksa soup… to do this simply leave out honey and add garlic and spices, plus decoct the herbs instead of seeping them in a long infusion. That might be too technical for this blog…. there are few limitations when adding turmeric, ginger and black pepper to your diet.. its a case of better in than not in…… ( suggesting that you can add these ingredients to most meals if desired) details of how to make infusions and decoctions is in my book The Magic of Food as medicine available as download online.
Take a big tablespoon of Golden Zing herbal blend and put it in your tea pot.
Add 1.5 litres boiling water
Add a big tablespoon of local honey ( to taste, or maple syrup, golden syrup or molasses)
Add a pinch of good sea salt.
Leave to long infuse for fifteen to thirty minutes,
Pop a tea cosy, tea towel or fabric around the pot to keep it warm.
Then stir and drink.
Yumm. welcome to our version of Ginger lemon honey that will help you stay energised and warm!
Our next workshop is on July 29th in Maleny. We will be making Herbal medicines for skin care and wellness. This includes skin conditions and arthritis and pain relief.
Contact us 0409765033 to book or online Wellness workshops with Dom
Our facebook pages are Dominique Livkamal and Medicineroom http://www.facebook.com/dominiquelivkamal
On instagram we are medicine_room
Check out our awesome herbal skin balms, oils and nectars online. We love making these for you and if you are out and about we will be at Eumundi Markets on Saturday. We are also offering our Herbal Body Therapy in Caloundra each week. Love and light.
Have a great day
Love and light Dominique Livkamal
MHlth public health/health promotion Bch Hlth Sc/ Complimentary medicine ND, Nutritionist, herbalist . Adv Dip Nat. Dip Journ. Kundalini yoga teacher, Zen Thai Shiatsu, student of life and wellness advocate. Founder Medicineroom. High vibes on the mountain, herbal first aid services and programmer for Woodford Folk Festival…. always working with love, gratefulness, light and through the divine grace!