How much wellness will you allow yourself?

How much wellness will you allow yourself?

How much wellness will you allow yourself?

Here is my little Wellness Mantra for this Blog 

I feel the vibration of my body connect to the earth, the water, the sky and the heavens…. Each breathe I take allows me to feel at peace with comfort and awareness of myself in all ways…. My physical body is glowing with health, my emotional body is shining with calm contentment, my mental body is clear, focused and present and my spiritual body is pulsing to the highest frequency allowable, by me… now!!! 

Hello and how are you? Its been ages since I wrote a blog for you... We attended The Woodford Folk Festival with The MedicineRoom Stall and met so many of you who came to say hello and get our assistance… I am so grateful to my students who work with me and help me develop new ideas and products.. Thank you to everyone who made Woodford Folk Festival such a beautiful experience. It is such a honor to make herbal medicines and be in a position of herbal wisdom that we have gained through education, experience and communication. Its really awesome to be in a festival environment and share that with you all. Then we have been working hard in the dispensary and attending our free clinics weekly at Eumundi Markets in January where lots of you came and said hello too. Its been a busy month chatting with you all. So, here my blog to inspire you even more!

Today I Want to share with you some information about health that is pretty obvious… yet most of us are too occupied with other aspects of our lives to stop and really tune into how well we feel. Thats something beautiful…. To feel well…

How much wellness will you allow yourself? 

Really? Lets put our energy into that thought now and see where it takes us.. Remember when we were young and there was no other feeling but that beautiful vibration of wellness that we felt all day… and remember now when you recapture that and hold it close to yourself…. Its the best feeling we can have.. and we deserve to feel this beautiful and helathy everyday… all day….

Beautiful Kids (4)

So, How much wellness will you allow yourself? Or do you sabotage it? We sabotage our wellness with toxic foods, thoughts, emotions and just letting external factors bring us down in any way…. Thats not fun… So how much wellness will you allow yourself today?

I am asking you this question because often wellness and health is a subjective opinion that can be altered to some degree by how much you allow…. 

Yes its true… The measurement of wellness is only measured by you.. It is not something that anyone else can do for us.. no one else can see it all like we can. our body, our mind, our emotions and our vibration.

For example Pain… Lets take pain as a classic example… when you feel pain.. You would be asked by a health care practitioner or loved ones  to self rate that pain in a measurement of one to ten… One being hardly any pain and ten being high pain. Its the same with the opposite of pain…. The wellness vibration… How well do you feel? One to ten scale? One being “not very well” and ten being ” I feel very well”  How do you feel? Do you feel well?

Now close your eyes for a minute…. and imagine feeling a ten on wellness? Feeling really well….. How does that feel? let go of any reasons in your mind that you can not feel a ten… let go of any long term thoughts and limitations you have on your wellness….. let go of any blocks or pains that you feel in your mind at the moment and just imagine a complete wellness within every cell in your body….


How does that feel???? Now remind yourself of this through the day…. Occasionally set your mind to that vibration of optimal wellness for you…. Take a breathe and imagine how well you feel!!!

Set the alarm on your mobile phone for every one hour.… Now as the alarm goes off. ( make it a little simple alarm that just makes a small beep or whistle to remind you) Think wellness. Do this exercise…

Stop whatever you are doing when your reminder beeps.

Take three deep breathes in and out. Close your eyes and visualise optimal wellness. Visualise your body vibrating to a really healthy, vibrant and energetic health frequency….

Just stand or sit where you are for about 30 seconds and feel that vibe…. Now get on with your day..

I trust you will feel happier, healthier and well. 

Try it for a day… and just see where your wellness limits are? what do you feel? what are you thinking? How well will you allow yourself to feel in this little exercise? How far can you take it? Can you allow yourself to feel totally blissful? Or are you blocked? where are you blocked? or are you just so open and willing to be wellness in a beautiful way??

Contact me and talk about how you are feeling and lets chat about your optimal wellness plan…. yes you can have a plan…

and thats what my optimal wellness consultation on the Maleny Clinic is all about... developing a plan for you… Yes you deserve optimal wellness

We deserve to feel our best…. where ever we allow that to be… vibrating to a frequency of beautiful health…… 

Blessings Dom xooxox

Here is a little clip that my Son Adam made for the Medicineroom web pag eto tell you all about my work.

In our work both in the herbal dispensary  Its so important to love what you are doing and to have a mental sense of the end product before it is even made. We just love inventing, and formulating and creating beautiful products for you to use. My books are full of ideas and techniques. You can also buy our herbal honey syrups and herbal medicines that have all been developed and made by us.  Plus now we have over 20 beautiful skin care and medicinal body products that are aromatherapeutic and also purely gorgeous to put on your skin.


There are seven new ones we created and have finished for the summer season 2014/15/


Please make time to visit our wellness shop and see if you like any of them for yourself or loved ones as gifts. We are a small herbal dispensary and make to order,

Our products are all hand made with love and organic local products.



We are open every Tuesday to Saturday in February. Come and say hello at our free clinics at The Eumundi Markets in Feb. I will be at all Feb markets to personally formulate for you.  You can also make a booking in our Maleny Clinic to see me one on one. 


With love as always Dom xoxo

Take care and I trust you enjoy this blog newsletter.

Dominique Liv Kamal
Master Public Health ( Health Promotion)
Bachelor Health Science ( Complementary Medicine) ]
Current Australian Herbalist of the Year
Naturopath, nutritionist, writer and Herbalist.
Phone 0409 765033
PO Box 298 Mapleton 4560 Queensland


domredprofileBlessings for Summer. I am open to the warmth and joy of summertime. Our fullness of heart, mind and body are expressed through gentle kindness, creativity and love. We share our inner wealth and wisdoms with each other in this festive celebration of life and all that is good. Summertime where we share our Love, Joy and Peace.  

Have a beautiful day my friends and I look forward to connecting with you at The Medicineroom



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