How do you handle grief? and my recipe for roasted onion salad!

How do you handle grief? and my recipe for roasted onion salad!

Hello and welcome to my blog. 

Life has so many moments of change and we can be triggered by  many things. Sometimes I wonder whether I can get up and get on with it all? and then other times I just feel super strong and capable of everything! 

We're all in the ebb and flow of life... and to go with the flow, to float downstream is not always easy! This weekend I was down the coast visiting my friend for her birthday. We listened to awesome music, drank some pretty nice champagne cocktails, ate delicious food. I met her friends and they were all just chatty and happy to meet new people and were all just pure friendship. It made me think about life more... and how welcoming some people are when they meet us and how sometimes we can feel stuck and want to be isolated. what causes these feelings and attitudes? How do we get on with life and make it work for us? How come some people just appear to bounce with life.... whats that about? 

One of the people who I saw was Dean Aitken and his lovely partner Ida. These guys have both been to my free clinics at Eumundi and take the herbals I have prescribed them. However there was something magic about the meeting this week. I got to invite Dean to have an interview with me about his book " Good Grief" . he said yes, and a couple of hours later we were sitting at my lap top, in my friends apartment talking about the topic of grief.... I learnt a lot. I hope you have time to listen to my latest pod cast on PROJECT WELLNESS. Click here for the link to project wellness podcast for podbean and here for my podcast on spotify    I am excited about these podcasts as they are a way for me to share my wellness and joy with you! This particular podcast is really practical and helpful. 

We made some pretty delicious recipes for our last long table  wellness day and I wanted to share a recipe with you. Its easy to nourish ourselves with delicious foods and the best foods are the ones that feel great when we eat them and give us loads of energy. 

My marinated onion and pea salad is one of these! This salad makes enough for 8 to 10 people served with other foods in a meal! Eg. Add some protein such as tempeh or fish. Add another salad and some rice for a perfect meal! It keeps really well in the fridge for two days. 

What you need

3 big brown onions and 3 big red onions. 

100 grams of frozen peas, defrosted. ( about 1 cup) 

1 raw cob of corn kernels ( about 1/2 cup )

100 grams bean sprouts 

1 bulb of fennel diced

1/2 cup fresh mint diced

1/2 cup finely grated carrot 

1/2 cup finely grated beetroot. 

100 grams of fresh snow peas. 

1/3 cup olive oil. 

1/4 cup balsamic vinegar

1/4 cup of maple syrup 

salt and chilli to taste. 

How to make Salad. 

1. Cut the onions and place in baking dish with the balsamic vinegar, olive oil, maple syrup, salt and chilli. Roast in oven at 180 degrees for 30 minutes. The onion needs to be cooked and soft , but not crunchy or hard. So you may need to monitor this as it cooks. 

2. Take out of oven and allow to cool down, then place the onions with all the juices in a jar and store in fridge over night. 

3. Next day.... Place all of the ingredients in a salad bowl together and mix well. Make sure you have cold ingredients and serve with your meal. Super delicious salad and very nourishing. 

Our next Long Table Wellness day is June 9th on Immunity. Yes we will cover all the immunity support options you have going into winter. We also talk about auto immune diseases. We welcome you to join us. Places limited as I like to keep these days super awesome and helpful for all attendees. 

We will be at The Planting Festival from May 3rd to 5th which is one of our favourite events. I will be presenting there and offering some awesome workshops and demonstrations again. So please make sure you book your place. 

We are at Eumundi Markets every Saturday and also I'm available for herbal body therapy and naturopathic consults... connect with me and we can make a plan to help you with your wellness. 

phone us 0409765033

Our facebook pages are Dominique Livkamal and Medicineroom

On instagram we are medicine_room

Check out our awesome herbal skin balms, oils and nectars online. We love making these for you and if you are out and about we will be at Eumundi Markets on Saturday.

You can buy my body products at Maple Street Co op Maleny. New Earth Cafe Coolum, Kunara Foods Sunshine Coast.  the Wellness Mill in Nambour,  Bliss you Wellness Caloundra, Brunswick heads health foods, Santos food Mullumbimby and Byron Bay.  Happy Herbs Alice Springs.Lost treasures in Balmoral Rd Montville.  If you want to be a stockist, call us or email and let us share our little pots of happiness with you. ! 

Book with me at Bliss you Wellness in Caloundra for personal sessions.... They are empowering, personalised and we focus on your outcome!



Blessings and love 

Dominique Livkamal 

MHlth public health/health promotion Bch Hlth Sc/ Complementary medicine ND, Nutritionist, herbalist . Adv Dip Nat. Dip Journ. Kundalini yoga teacher, Zen Thai Shiatsu, student of life and wellness advocate. Founder Medicineroom. High vibes on the mountain, herbal first aid services and programmer for Woodford Folk Festival…. always working with love, gratefulness, light and through the divine grace!









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