Herbalists in Botanical gardens

Herbalists in Botanical gardens

Its just like heaven when we visited the Sydney botanical gardens last week. Tam and I walked around and really enjoyed all the plants. 

Governor Phillip set up the gardens as public community gardens in the very early days of Old Sydney Town  in 1793 and they originated as community vegetable gardens. Then as times changed, people got bigger personal gardens they transformed into the beautiful displays of flora. There is an indoor herbarium that was closed when we visited. However the beauty of the gardens made up for the closed herb area! 

I presented at the Summit of herbal medicine which was a fabulous event held at the Wentworth Sofitel. This Hotel is so good and very well located in the City. I want to share with you some information about HERBAL FIRST AID. 

We started the project in 2015 at Earth frequency festival and since then it has grown into a regular part of medicine room offerings in festivals and at our clinics. 

We decided to do this project to solve a problem. Cellulitis in festivals and in summer here in Australia. Yes Cellulitis is a real problem that can happen when you get a small cut or abrasion and the skin breaks. It then can become infected and can result  in severe blood poisoning. And yes, even death. 

Herbal first aid is the use of herbal medicines for all kinds of minor problems that you would normally use first aid for. Burns, cuts, bruises, injuries, headaches, sore throats, blisters and as a point of first care for fractures, trauma, falls and many other injuries. 

We can all add simple herbs in the forms of compresses, poultices, teas, extracts and flower essences to our first aid kits and tis can often be the exact medicine you need at the time for relief, support and recovery. 

In July we are running the three week herbal first aid online course and the early bird is open now! If you want to join me please book. 

This coming week  Monday and Tuesday we will be at Naturally Good Expo at Sydney convention centre 

Have an awesome day and we are at Eumundi Markets this Saturday as usual. 

Love Dom xoxo 

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