Herbal Medicine Conference with NIMH this weekend. Want to join me?
This coming weekend I am presenting my work on stress relief for practitioners at the INMH conference in the UK. Via online access of course.
At this conference I am sharing with health care practitioners my protocols and practices for formulating herbal medicines for stress relief in many differing scenarios. I cover hormones, sleep, trauma, oxidative stress, anxiety, depression, acute stress, chronic stress, COVID lock down stress and formulations for children who are stressed.
the conference starts on the 8th October and I am presenting on the10th which is also my birthday. ( I'm 21 again!)
If you want to join us for the weekend its very reasonably priced and open to the public as well as health care practitioners.
Here are the details for registration. National Institute medical herbalism UK
You can join loads of awesome practitioners presenting on the theme STepping forward
Featuring the latest science, traditional wisdoms, reflections on practice, reports from the front-line of herbal medicine and speakers from across the globe, The Herbal Medicine Conference 2021 is our platform to come together and forge the way forwards.
Building on the success of last year’s virtual event, the conference will feature live-streamed sessions, masterclasses, world-class keynote speakers and an exhibitor area. The conference’s interactive app provides opportunities for networking, topical discussions and Q+As.
This year’s theme – ‘Stepping Forward’ – reflects the need for herbal medicine to come out of this current health crisis stronger, to step forward and connect with new patients, and to step forward with others by harnessing the power of the wider herbal and healthcare communities.
have an awesome day Love Dom xoxo