Have you met my friend Calendula yet?
Have you met our Calendula balm and nectar yet?
Theres something older than us, timeless and super beautiful about Calendula. It holds memories of sunshine, healing and soothing gentleness in every petal. It also holds a strength and protection not to be reckoned with... It cleanses, purifies, repairs and recovers all that it connects with.... Its got that magic skill. And, thats one of the reasons I love it so much.
I first made this one as a cream back in 1999 with a base I was developing. I added the liquid herbal extracts to the cream and didn't use any essential oils. It was a pure medicinal cream when my youngest son was a baby and I was experimenting with cream making.
I have always loved Calendula, the softness of the flower, its delicate petals, the oily and nurturing smell. Its travelled by my side since early childhood. One of the plants my Swiss Grandma had on her verandah in her flat at Cronulla when I was a child. My mother always had it in her garden somewhere, little rays of yellow and orange sunshine popping out of the mass of home grown foods.
I love the way Calendula used to grow in our vege garden right next to all the vegetables and keep them safe from bugs and infections... Thats powerful. I remember picking the flowers and marinating them in oil for my kitchen and using the oil on burns, broken skin and on my childrens wounds as they were growing up.... Its timeless to me, and no surprise that it was the first herb I chose when reformulating the new range of balms and nectars.
I took the old techniques from the gardens and added them with some alchemy, evidence based practice and added in my own style.... I called a balm a balm.... its soothing right.? Not salve, or ointment.. those words felt to harsh for my balms!
I called a nectar a nectar! not cream, that felt too cosmetic, not serum, that sounded like snake saliva, not creme, thats something you eat... I wanted nectar.... like the honey bees.... pure life giving gentleness.
I wanted to stop hiding behind my broom in my little mountain top herbal hideaway and showcase these herbs to you! Opening the door for you to experience their magic and medicinal qualities for yourself and your family. This happened with my beloved family and friends as Kirsten redesigned the labelling and packaging. Adam developed the web site, Tamara worked by my side making everything, Jahvis came onboard with his assistance manufacturing. Alex and Owen stepping in when needed and helping in every way as they have since childhood! Darina and Andy coming in and helping us in our festivals and markets making it all happen.... and it is happening! Everyone had a say in the presentation and what it was like. We love what has been created and we welcome you to try these body products. I am so grateful for the support and help you all gave me as its made the biggest impact on my confidence and desire to share the products with the world!
Here are my naturopathic and herbal reasons why I made this beautiful Calendula nectar and balm.
Calendula with Mandarin
Calendula has anti fungal, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties . Soothing for healing wounds, relieving eczema, and easing diaper rash and general skin redness and rashes. t's known to be a stimulant, demulcent softener, freshener and may have a softening effect on the skin. It's ideal for sensitive skin because it is deeply moisturising properties known to sooth and calm inflamed skin. I love the swift way Calendula works so effectively and gently on all skin types and people. From small babies to the elderly. I have seen Calendula take away redness and soothe skin beautifully.
Comfrey has anti-inflammatory compounds and allantoin a substance to help speed up wound healing by stimulating the growth of new cells. I love the way Comfrey seals up wounds, open skin areas and really works alongside the Calendula.
Chickweed is for eczema and psoriasis. Wound healing and infections, minor cuts and infections. Its super nurturing and helpful in healing all skin conditions. Its magic skill is that it stops the itch faster than any other herb I know.... Little star... thats the other name for Chickweed!
Mandarin adds skin glow and improves the skin tone to a great extent. The antioxidants present in Mandarin protect the skin from harsh UVA rays and help the skin to resist the damage caused by the sun and free radicals. It also reduces the sign of ageing like wrinkles, fine lines and blemishes. I use this essential oil in this blend as it helps protect the skin and aids the other herbs in healing infections.
So thats why I made this beautiful nectar and balm.
I hope you get to try it and enjoy its benefits too. I use Calendula on my whole body and its excellent as a face moisturiser on people with red skin, sensitive skin and ageing skin.
Thanks and have a great day you can get our products online and our list of stockists is on the web site too.
Have an awesome day
Love Dominique Livkamal
phone us +61 409765033
Our facebook pages are Dominique Livkamal and Medicineroom http://www.facebook.com/dominiquelivkamal
On instagram we are medicine_room
Our podcast on Spotify is called project wellness