Detox season is here now! Lets start with some liver and blood cleansing....

Detox season is here now! Lets start with some liver and blood cleansing....

Start now….. liver and blood cleanse time!

Yes, start now….  Spring  is here…. and its the wood element in Traditional Chinese Medicine… and staying in tune with what is good for us we need to remember that true health is following a preventative model. And to have true health we need to be aware of our bodies and what they require. Here are some tips to cleanse your blood and start on a liver detox this week

Are you feeling ready and motivated to detox?

  1. Start on the greens now! If you are not already doing it…. go green. Green is the colour of cleanliness in our body. Its the colour of pure nutrition in our blood and its the way forward at this time of the year. Drop the heavier winter choices you were making and have green drinks, green smoothies, green slalds and green steamed vegetables… Enjoy your greens with some bitterness. So add sorell, baby dandelion leaves and some vinegar or lemon juice in the dressing.  Also juice those raw papaya leaves for a beautiful antimicrobial effect and flush viruses from the liver.  Spirulina is my personal favourite green as its a super antioxidant and really cleanses and strengthens the whole body, including your blood and liver.
  2. Amp up the exercise… yes amp up your exercise another notch. get in the water swimming if you are in a sub tropical or tropical environment. Jump in rivers, ocean and start to enjoy the metabolism boosting, blood refreshing, circulation enhancing benefits of cold natural water. we want to increase our metabolism at this time of year. Did you know that taking a very small amount of chilli with any meal will increase your metabolism by 25% for four hours after the meal? Yes, its a fun fact to motivate you.
  3. Herbs to help you now are great liver cleansers like Milk Thistle, schisandra berry, dandelion, globe artichoke. Taking carrot juice full of beta carotene is awesome to help flush heavy metals out o f the body.  the lemon juice is really good to help alkalise the body and aid digestion, reduce mucous and strip putrid matter out of your digestive tract.   Did you know that garlic is one of the strongest and best blood cleansers?

We are here to help you. If you would like a Skype consultation with me please make your booking. We have our next workshop on the 16th September and its going to be five hours of awesome cleansing and detox info.  We also make the beautiful herbal detox blends and heavy metal blood cleansing herbs for springtime wellness.


Come to our next workshop on September 16th in Maleny.  Prepare for your spring detox regime. A day of detox strategies. 

Contact us 0409765033 to book or online Wellness workshops with Dom

Our facebook pages are Dominique Livkamal and Medicineroom

On instagram we are medicine_room

Check out our awesome herbal skin balms, oils and nectars online. We love making these for you and if you are out and about we will be at Eumundi Markets on Saturday.

You can buy my body products at Maple Street Co op Maleny. New Earth Cafe Coolum, Kunara Foods Sunshine Coast. Bliss you massage Caloundra, Brunswick heads health foods, Happy Herbs Alice Springs. If you want to be a stockist, call us or email and let us share our little pots of happiness with you. !

We are also offering our Herbal Body Therapy in Caloundra so you can make your booking fro me directly with them. I am there mid August and also again in early September. Love and light.

Have a great day

Love and light Dominique Livkamal

MHlth public health/health promotion Bch Hlth Sc/ Complimentary medicine ND, Nutritionist, herbalist . Adv Dip Nat. Dip Journ. Kundalini yoga teacher, Zen Thai Shiatsu, student of life and wellness advocate. Founder Medicineroom. High vibes on the mountain, herbal first aid services and programmer for Woodford Folk Festival…. always working with love, gratefulness, light and through the divine grace!

we have two web site.. If you want to be a stockist of our body product range we have all the details and sign up, ordering on the new web site. . http://www.medicienroom.net



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