” I am the light in my life, I am beautiful like the sunflower, blissful and happy .Sunny in disposition and sunny in thought. My sun shines naturally and with ease… It shines through me to you… through you to yours and through yours back to me… we are all connected through the sun and that is how it should be, bring on the sun, we are the same, just sunflowers”
Let us be like the sunflower.. Tracking the sun as the day passes.
The intelligence of the sunflower is godlike. It knows each moment where the sun is and knows that its role is simple… to follow the sun…..
To follow the sun is to know your truth, to be a shining light of your own life.. To live to your potential and to see the sunshine in others…
Have a beautiful October
Sat Nam and with love Dom
October MedicineRoom Schedule.
Come and enjoy our free clinics each week at Eumundi Markets on a Saturday. I will be there every Saturday and the Clinics operate from 7am till 1pm. There is so much we can chat about at these clinics and its a great way to get personalised Naturopathy advice where you can also get great food, massages, shopping and catching up with local community. We are located behind the Blue CWA Building and you can call my mobile 0409765033 if you want directions.
Maleny Clinic Open in October for appointments. Whats on offer at my clinics
When you make your booking you need to tell us what you want.
1. Traditional Naturopathic Consultation with Dom including discussion, diagnosis, health care plan and herbal formulating.
This session is great when you want to chat with me about your health in detail. Recover from a specific illness, or gain a balanced naturopathic overall perspective of your health. We are able to go through any medications, health care products you are using and analyse what is good to take and what is excess. We are able to assess dietary and lifestyle choices that can help your specific health condition and develop strategies to help you get well. Chronic illness, loose weight, reduce addictions, develop a plan for a healthier future with me!
2. Developing your Optimal Wellness Consultation . What is it you want to change about your health regime? Let me help you with dietary and nutritional profiling for your constitution and lifestyle. Developing a plan and program incorporating your choices aiming for optimal health and wellness. Positive changes through mantra, food, exercise and active action. This is a very inspiring consultation with me and we will have fun!
Developing your optimal wellness plan is such a great idea when you know you have to change lifestyle choices. Do you want help with a lifestyle plan? detox therapies?, loose weight? Positive changes to the diet can reflect on every part of your life. Are you confused about what is good for you and how to apply that simply in your life. Great for everyone. This consultation uses, discussion, body feedback responses and nutritional science and ancient wisdom to help you achieve your health goals through diet and nutrition.
3.Body therapy session which includes initial discussion about physical condition and therapy treatments including meridian and pressure point therapies, applications of herbal external therapies as required. Exercises and Kundalini yoga based meditations, Zen Thai Shiatsu treatment or body specific therapeutic massage as required.
So you are achy and sore, you feel like there needs to be a physical shift and its time. Come and have a body therapy session with me and I will help you remove those blocks that no longer serve you and we will make some subtle physical and energetic shifts towards physical balance. Each session is different and specific to your needs. Please tell us at time of booking what you prefer in treatment processes. If you just need to come in , relax and have a treatment with moxa, zen thai or oil masage, tell us. If you would prefer to have a more active session and discuss, use strategies and learn to shift it at home after the session, ten tell us that too. We are happy to cater to your needs
Herbal medicines will also be formulated and administered in these clinics at the regular medicineroom costs. Consultations are private and confidential. Health care rebates are available for you if you have cover on private insurances. Make an appointment by emailing wellness@medicineroom.net or calling 0409765033.
Spring into October Wellness
with wonderful herbal medicines and fresh local foods. Its so important to keep our body healthy as the seasons change. And, now we are in the middle of spring.
Have you been getting frustrated? annoyed? angry? feeling a bit grrrrr? If so it could be your liver wanting a spring cleanse. Ok, so thats simple. Just eat the goodness of fresh local fruits, vegetables and herbs and cut down on the toxic and processed dietary additions. If you want some help with that then you can either buy my ebooks, read my work or come and see me personally at the free clinics in Eumundi Markets or the new Tuesday afternoon clinic in Maleny.
My top tips for a healthy liver are
1. Drink fluids that are going to make your liver happy. These include lemon juice, fresh water, fresh carrot juice, green juices and also turmeric and ginger.
2. Learn about your constitution and help develop a lifestyle to match that in every way. THis includes exercise, diet and lifestyle choices.
3. Be positive in your life, be positive about your life and be positive about others. Yes, positivity breeds positivity. So, let yourself be shining and light and joyful. Then you will find that you naturally make healthier choices in your diet and that will make your liver smile!
4. Eat good fats in the diet. Yes I’m talking sesame oil, flaxseed oil, coconut oil, olive oil. These all help the metabolism of the liver and many toxins attach to fatty acids and are carried through the liver to the blood stream for fast and efficient elimination.
5. Get an anatomy book or google ” Liver” and learn as much as you can about his amazing organ in the body. Nothing like knowledge of the liver to create a deep respect. Did you know your liver has over 450 functions? It can still operate at only 10% function rate? and did you know that it can be repaired and optimally healed with diet and herbs alone?
6. Eat Seaweed. Yes, and Spirulina. These are heavy metal chelators and will help carry really dirty toxins such as old medications, lead, mercury, heavy metals, bad experiences and negativity from your liver. These are essential in springtime and they help reduce all congestion in the liver and that frees up this beautiful organ for less strain in the warmer seasons of the year.
Good luck with creating a happy liver this October.
Come and say Hello at Eumundi Markets for my free clinics each Saturday. I am there all month personally and would love to chat with you. No appointments taken and everyone is so welcome. If you would like to make an appointment in the new Maleny clinic. Then call us. Bookings are essential and we really know this clinic will get busy so we welcome you for some personal treatments from me.
Enjoy your week. Those coming to my rejuvenation retreat in October get to experience a cooking class with me where we will make some amazing recipes that are delicious and super nourishing and healthy. You can book for my next retreat in February on my web site MEDICINEROOM WEB SITE TO BOOK RETREAT AND BUY DOM”S PRODUCTS
Thanks for reading this blog/newsletter and have a great cleansing week. I am available if you want my support. Any time you want a cleanse.. I am happy to support you… its an awesome process and you always let go of some unnecessary toxins and feel healthier at the end.. it might be a tad uncomfortable during the process… but hey… its a detox.. its supposed to be different from every other day!
With love as always Dom xoxo
Take care and I trust you enjoy this blog newsletter.
With Love Dom xoxoox
Dominique Liv Kamal
Master Public Health ( Health Promotion)
Bachelor Health Science ( Complementary Medicine) ]
Current Australian Herbalist of the Year
Naturopath, nutritionist, writer and Herbalist.
Phone 0409 765033
PO Box 298 Mapleton 4560 Queensland
Medicineroom website to purchase Dom’s products
” I am the light in my life, I am beautiful like the sunflower, blissful and happy .Sunny in disposition and sunny in thought. My sun shines naturally and with ease… It shines through me to you… through you to yours and through yours back to me… we are all connected through the sun and that is how it should be, bring on the sun, we are the same, just sunflowers”
Have a beautiful day my friends and I look forward to connecting with you at The Medicineroom.