Arnica has saved my sore tired muscles time and time again.
Hello and how are you today?
Are you coming to the Planting festival in May? Its at The Woodford Folk festival site and I will be presenting some workshops there. The Medicineroom will be there with our free community clinics and herbal skin care and medicines.
I want to share with you today my favourite go to herb for pain relief and injury!
This pic is arnica flowers dried in our herbal dispensary.
Every day injuries around the home are common and when you sprain your ankle, pull a muscle, hurt your elbow or just feel super tired and stressed after intense exercise, work or sports then some herbs that are great to help your recovery are Arnica and comfrey. We extract the herbs and they are not the homeopathic versions, We are making 1;2 herbal extractions and also oil extractions in our medicines and body products.
As we move into the cooler months of the year we tend to increase our exercise and get more motivated to go for long walks, play sports and enjoy the outdoors!
The herb arnica has been my favourite for after sports recovery and injury recovery. I started making the liquid extract in 1999 and its been used in our herbal first aid services in festivals and events. We love the way arnica takes pain away and helps your body recover faster. Its an awesome pain reliever we use it on the whole body. In our herbal first aid services we compress the arnica onto the skin with a bandage as quickly as possible after the injury and then we are reducing the inflammation and the opportunity for inflammation. I sometimes use it as a body cream at night on my whole body to help relax me and I go to sleep faster! Yes its soothing and yummy.
Here are my naturopathic and herbalist reasons why I formulate Arnica and comfrey together
Arnica helps reduce bruises, soothe muscle aches, reduce inflammation, and heal wounds. The antibacterial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties of this herb help in preventing inflammatory skin disorders. They also accelerate the healing process by stimulating the formation of granular tissues. Arnica for skin care can effectively heal bruises, sunburns, minor burns and superficial phlebitis.
Comfrey anti-inflammatory compounds and allantoin a substance to help speed up wound healing by stimulating the growth of new cells. Comfrey helps everything heal and seal faster.. Its old fashioned name was knit weed.... so that says it all.. Binding and healing...
Lavender has antibacterial and anti inflammatory properties and it helps arnica work more effectively too. I also added Lavender because its relaxing on your emotions and nervous system helping you feel calmer faster....
Thanks and have a great day you can get our products online and our list of stockists is on the web site too.
This pic was taken in Nelson New Zealand yesterday as my friend Nathalie and I went to explore some organic Vineyards.... I love organics and I love my friends so much. Its important to take time out and spend it with your friends... Appreciating life and all the little things that make it fun!
Have an awesome day
Love Dominique Livkamal
phone us +61 409765033
Our facebook pages are Dominique Livkamal and Medicineroom http://www.facebook.com/dominiquelivkamal
On instagram we are medicine_room
Our podcast on Spotify is called project wellness